
Kerry To Accept Nomination At Convention
Decisive ’leadership’ at its finest...
Bowing to pressure, John Kerry decided Wednesday to accept the nomination at the Democratic presidential convention in July, scuttling a plan to delay the formality so he could narrow President Bush’s public money advantage. "Boston is the place where America’s freedom began, and it’s where I want the journey to the Democratic nomination to be completed," Kerry said in a statement released by his campaign. "On Thursday, July 29, with great pride, I will accept my party’s nomination for president in the city of Boston. From there we will begin our journey to a new America... We believe it is right to start the general election on the same day as our opponents, and we will continue to explore every way possible to level the playing field against the Republicans’ five week advantage."
What advantage is he talking about, the fundraising advantage? Bush has had an ’advantage’ from his inauguration; ask your wife for some scratch if your supporters don’t pony up.
Oh, and how about offering credible alternatives to the WOT, I mean, besides exposing your backside to the UN / France Axis so they can get funky with your nekkid buttocks? I hear it’s a French thing.
Posted by: Raj 2004-05-26