
Attackers Shell American Base in Najaf
Attackers wounded two U.S. soldiers Friday and mortar shells rained down on the main American base in Najaf — separate incidents that threatened the deal aimed at ending the bloody, seven-week standoff around this Shiite holy city.
Gee. Golly. Wow. Whoever expected this?
Masked gunmen of radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr's militia — some with knives and hand grenades strapped around their waists — roamed the streets of Najaf's twin city, Kufa, accusing the U.S.-led coalition of failing to honor the agreement to halt the fighting. The fighters accused the Americans of a provocation by sending tanks and armored vehicles into Kufa from three directions, prompting the militia to open fire "to protect ourselves." Three Iraqis were killed and eight injured in armed clashes, hospital workers said.
"They made us do it!"
In a sign of the tension, al-Sadr bravely failed to appear at a Kufa mosque where he has preached every Friday — the main Muslim day of worship — since the rebellion began in early April. Aides said his absence was due to security concerns. Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, coalition deputy chief of operations, reported five attacks against coalition forces in Kufa and said they "would appear to be violations" of a deal announced by Shiite leaders Thursday to end fighting in the Najaf and Kufa areas. Coalition spokesman Dan Senor said in Baghdad that occupation authorities still hoped the hudna cease-fire agreement would hold.
Posted by: Fred 2004-05-29