
Hiker finds beheaded ducks, rooster along Griswold, CT trail
Take that, monkey wrench. :-)
State environmental police are investigating the dumping of decapitated fowl alongside a trail at Pachaug State Forest this week.
You just know there's gotta be more to it than that ....
Donna Fenter, of Griswold, said she came upon the pile of 11 decapitated ducks and one rooster Thursday while hiking the blue trail near the Pachaug boat launch between Pachaug State Forest and Hopeville Pond State Park. On top of the animals were used condoms and torn condom wrappers, she said.
Urp. OK, now you've got my attention.
"It was gruesome," she said. "Who would ever think of something like that?"
Can't be too careful these days.
Since she encountered the grisly scene, she said neighbors and friends have come up with their own theory theories.

"One suggested it could be some sort of ritual," she said. "But I don't know. I can't even think like that."
Neither can I. Of course.
Dennis Schain, a spokesman for the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, which is investigating the incident, said the fowl were domesticated, not wild.
So they were bred for foul play...
The site has since been cleaned up by park maintenance, and the investigation is ongoing.
Maybe we can get some investigative guidance from Obean.
In the meantime, Fenter said the discovery has shaken her sense of safety in the town where she has lived for 11 years.
You have nothing to fear, Donna. You're not a duck.
But is she also not a rooster?
"I figured, it's Griswold. It's a small town. Of course it's safe," she said. "When I made the discovery on my way back (to the car), I sat in my car and just sobbed thinking that it really isn't so safe. There are very terrible, horrible people out there. I'm just thankful that a child -- mine or someone else's -- didn't have to see that."
See that? Hopefully they weren't part of that.
But Fenter also said she plans to keep going out on the trails with her Labrador retriever, Cooper.
Better keep that retriever on a short leash, Donna, or you might have to teach that dog how to gargle with Listerine.
Pretty cruel, Donna. Naming your dog Cooper. What were you thinking?
Griswold First Selectman Philip Anthony, too, said he was shocked by the discovery. Such a thing has never happened in town, he said.
Have there been any liberal events in the area lately?
In the unincorporated areas, but never in town...
"I'm a bit alarmed. I was born and brought up here, so I'm fairly confident it is not a local resident," he said.
No, no, certainly not!
"No local resident I know -- and I know most of our residents -- would do that sort of thing."
At least you thought you did.
Posted by: gorb 2012-04-08