
US Officials: 'Stuxnet implanted in Iran nuke plant with memory stick'
US intelligence officials tell ISSSource 'Israeli proxy' at Natanz nuclear facility used memory stick to infect machines; claim spies belong to same dissident group behind killing of nuclear scientists

The Stuxnet virus that damaged Iran's nuclear program was implanted by an Israeli proxy -- an Iranian, who used a corrupt "memory stick.32," former and serving US intelligence officials told the Industrial Safety and Security website.
 Nothing says friendship between nations like America publicly undermining Israel's security. Thank you, President Obama. .
[jingle] "Memory Stick 32, don't leave for work without it!"
According to the sources, Iranian proxies have also been active in assassinating Iran's nuclear scientists.
The officials told ISSSource that a saboteur at the Natanz nuclear facility, probably a member of an Iranian dissident group, used a memory stick to infect the machines there. They said using a person on the ground would greatly increase the probability of computer infection, as opposed to passively waiting for the software to spread through the computer facility.
"Iranian double agents" would have helped to target the most vulnerable spots in the system," one source was quoted by the website as saying.
The intelligence officials told ISSSource they believe these nuclear spies belonged to the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK), which, according to them, Israel uses to do assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists.
"The MEK is being used as the liquidation arm of Israel's Mossad intelligence service," Vince Cannistraro, former head of the CIA's Counterterrorism, told the website.
Last year the New York Times
...which still proudly displays Walter Duranty's Pulitzer prize...
reported that Israel had tested a computer worm believed to have sabotaged Iran's nuclear centrifuges and slowed its ability to develop an atomic weapon.
In what the Times described as a joint Israeli-US effort to undermine Iran's nuclear ambitions, it said the tests of the destructive worm had occurred over the past two years at the heavily guarded Dimona complex in the Negev desert.
Posted by: 2012-04-14