
Terror suspect in Sydney shooting
An Australian resident arrested as an al-Qaeda-linked terrorist in Lebanon is wanted for a 1998 shooting attack on Lakemba police station in Sydney. Saleh Jamal, 30, of Belfield, skipped bail earlier this year on seven charges, including shooting with intent to commit grievous bodily harm. The charges relate to an incident in which drive-by gunmen sprayed the police station, in Sydney’s south-west, with at least 16 rounds from an automatic weapon.

Lebanese authorities said Jamal was arrested along with another man known only as Haitham M, a Lebanese national, a Palestinian and a man of unknown nationality. The country’s military prosecutor said the men were linked to the al-Qaeda terrorist network and were accused of "belonging to terrorist organisations, possessing weapons and plotting terrorist activities". If found guilty, the men could face life in prison.

A NSW police spokesman yesterday issued a public appeal for information about Jamal’s movements and activities since March and how he came to be overseas. He said NSW was waiting for more information on the Lebanese charges before starting extradition proceedings against him. A spokesman for Attorney-General Philip Ruddock said the Federal Government was seeking more information on the terrorism allegations from Beirut. ASIO and the Australian Federal Police would then investigate the man’s connections in Australia.

NSW police arrested Jamal on September 17, 1999, charging him with five counts of discharging a firearm with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, another of causing danger to the public by discharging a firearm and a further charge of stealing a motor vehicle. Later that day he fronted Central Local Court where he stood in the dock clutching a copy of the Koran. But he breached bail conditions by failing to report to police after a court appearance in March and a warrant was issued for his arrest. Jamal had previously served 16 months in jail on cannabis possession charges. He was also due to face court on two separate firearms-related charges.

The Lakemba attack took place at 1.15am on November 1, 1998. A red Holden Commodore pulled up outside the police station and shots were fired into the building. The glass doors were shattered and an officer narrowly escaped when a bullet hit his computer screen. No-one was injured. A spokeswoman for the Department of Foreign Affairs said officials in Lebanon would seek to confirm the nationality of the arrested men and offer them consular assistance "as appropriate."
Posted by: TS(vice girl) 2004-05-30