
Worse Saudi attack to come: report
The Khobar attack didn’t have the usual suicide MO, which indicates to me that it could well have been a trial run for something else - presumably bigger. One odd thing which got almost no coverage was the terrorist who was killed was trying to get into the building where the hostages were. He drove a car up to the building. At the time I thought just another Islamo-nutball trying to get himself killed in the dumbest way possible. Now with 3 terrorists escaping I think he was part of a getaway plot that went wrong. Anyway to my point - the problem with the suicide MO is there is no learning curve and no Darwinian selection at work. The next bunch of terrorists is as dumb as the last. Drop the suicide MO and they start to get better at it. An alarming development.
INTELLIGENCE agencies fear that the Islamic terrorists behind the deadly kidnappings in Saudi Arabia over the weekend are planning a "spectacular attack" in the country, The Times reported today. Twenty-two people were killed in the Saudi terrorist operation, including hostages whose throats were slit before commandos moved in. Key oil installations or the causeway linking Saudi Arabia to Bahrain were among the possible targets of a future attack, according to the British newspaper’s intelligence sources. Final preparations for such an attack were being made by al-Qaeda sympathisers, The Times said.
The Times article is behind paid subscription.
Posted by: Phil B 2004-05-30