
PA donors warn Abbas not to replace Fayyad
Which side calls Al Capone or "Mugs" Moran?
Donor countries have warned Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas against trying to replace Prime Minister Salam Fayyad or confiscate his control over the PA Finance Ministry, a Western diplomat based in Israel told The Jerusalem Post Monday.

The diplomat said that the donors were aware of Abbas's repeated attempts to remove Fayyad from power and seize control over the ministry.

"We won't allow this to happen," the diplomat said. "We have made it clear to President Abbas that international aid will be affected if he or Fatah remove Fayyad."
Sneaky rat that I am, I would double-dog dare Mahmoud to can Fayyad...
The warning came as sources in Ramallah confirmed that a sharp crisis has erupted between Abbas and Fayyad.

The sources said that the tensions between the two men began after Abbas announced his intention to reshuffle the cabinet. The announcement surprised Fayyad who, according to the sources, had not been notified in advance of the planned reshuffle.
Posted by: tipper 2012-04-24