
They’re Baaack! Foreign fighters gain Fallujah foothold
via The Age / EFL & Fair Use
By Lee Gordon
Fallujah - June 1, 2004

Foreign insurgents, suspected of having links to al-Qaeda, have established a firm foothold in the Iraqi city of Fallujah. A well-armed group infiltrated the city before fighting erupted in March and is continuing to mount operations against the coalition and Westerners in the area - in defiance of leaders of Fallujah’s mosques, the army and the police force.
So they have their own agenda? Who’da thunk it?
The group, led by Abu Abdullah, a young Saudi, is linked to kidnappings of Westerners, particularly journalists. Its members include Wahhabi Muslims, the ultra-fundamentalist sect that spawned Osama bin Laden.
A Saoodi? Tap...tap...
Fallujah’s leaders, who follow different Islamic fundamentalist teachings, fear that the Saudis belong to an al-Qaeda cell seeking a final showdown between Islam and America in the Middle East. A senior sheikh in Fallujah said the group was "out of control". "We are worried that they are part of al-Qaeda. That means that we will have to force them out and it will be hard. But this is our country we are fighting for, and it is our fight with the Americans. They have their own country and their own ideas, which we do not share."
We’re fighting everyone, in fact! And my Dad can beat up his dirty Wahhabi Dad any day!
Fallujah’s own independent militia, set up under the agreement with the Americans that ended a month-long battle for the city, is threatening to attack the Saudi group because of its persistent involvement in kidnappings and looting. A raid on the group was planned on Friday, but had to be delayed when the Fallujah militia was called to rescue two German journalists, dragged from their car and attacked by a mob.
Cursed mustaches, yet? Oh, so now the cat’s outta the bag, so it won’t be a surprise attack. #%*&!% German tourists...
The Saudis were at first welcomed among the hundreds of foreign combatants who came to help Iraqis fighting the coalition. They fought in the southern section of Fallujah, where US marines met the stiffest resistance. In all, about a quarter of those fighting the Americans were foreigners: Syrian, Saudi, Palestinian and Tunisian. They helped the Iraqi mujahideen - the collection of armed Islamic groups fighting the coalition - become better-organised and equipped, aided by funds brought by the Saudi fighters. The Syrians were trained in tactics used against the Israelis in Lebanon.
Where have we heard this before: "Yeah! Okay, tanx. Now get out."
But Fallujah’s mujahideen - comprised of five or six brigades of 100 men - are now losing patience with the radical Saudi fighters, whom they suspect of al-Qaeda links, because they are almost impossible to control.
Ohhh, cool. So, who’s bringing the popcorn?
Posted by: .com 2004-06-01