
US born Al Qaeda suspect tapped for Baltimore bomb plot
A captured al Qaeda leader wanted American-born terror suspect Adam Gadahn to take part in a plot to blow up fuel depots outside Baltimore, a classified FBI document says. But Gadahn, a convert to Islam whose Muslim wife was expecting a baby, was not eager to participate in a "martyrdom" - suicide - operation, al Qaeda chief Khalid Shaikh Mohammed said in the May 2003 document, which was obtained by Newsweek...Al Qaeda needed operatives who held U.S. passports and thus began recruiting native-born Americans, Newsweek says. No one knows where Gadahn is, but the magazine says he lived in Afghanistan, where he befriended the "American Taliban," John Walker Lindh, offering to help Lindh find a Muslim wife - the sister of Gadahn’s wife.
"Soft targets" and American Muslim converts, nasty.
Posted by: rex 2004-06-01