
2 suspected al-Qaeda agents dropped in for meal, says Denny’s manager in Avon
The FBI office in Denver has received "numerous" calls about the seven people believed to be associated with al-Qaeda pictured Wednesday in newspapers. Monique Kelso, spokeswoman for the Denver office, wouldn’t characterize the calls as "sightings," but at least one was reported as such. Samuel Mac, manager of the Denny’s in Avon, isn’t happy with the response he got from the FBI when he reported that two of them ate at his restaurant Wednesday. When he called the FBI in Washington, D.C., Mac said the man who answered the telephone said he had to call the Denver office and declined to take down any of the information.
Don't the wanted posters say, "Call your local FBI office"?
When he called the Denver office, he was shuttled to voice mail because the agents were busy, Mac said. It was five hours before a seemingly uninterested agent called back.
More likely burned out from answering about a thousand calls.
Mac said two men - he subsequently identified them from their photographs as Adnan G. El Shukrijumah and Abderraouf Jdey - came into Denny’s, which is just off Interstate 70, about 8 p.m. One ordered a chicken sandwich and a salad, the other just a salad, Mac said. They were demanding, rude and obnoxious, he said. They said they were from Iran and were driving from New York to the West Coast. When the FBI agent called him back, she took a few notes and said she would pass the information along to the field agents, according to Mac. Kelso said the Denver FBI office has received at least a dozen calls about the pictures. The calls are all taken seriously and "we follow up on every lead," she said. But she said the FBI has no reason to believe any of the seven are in Colorado or traveling through.
Bad answer, you don't even know for sure if they are in the country.

Posted by: Mark Espinola 2004-06-01