
Terrorists winning the war, Malaysian PM warns
Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi says the United States and its coalition partners are losing the war against terrorism. Mr Abdullah has told the Asia Pacific Security Roundtable the world faces a terrorist crisis, while the response is moving from blunder to blunder. He says extremists and militants are driving the world to the brink of disaster. The Prime Minister says the global response since the September 11 attacks on the United States has alienated the Arab and Muslim world, breeding a new generation of terrorists.
Sorry, bub. Attacking New York and Washington and killing close to 3000 noncombatants alienated us. For the first time in years, some of us stood up and asked the Forbidden Question: "Why do we have to please them?" Since nothing we ever do will be enough, why should we do anything?
He says the US coalition is losing ground in a rudderless Afghanistan and in an Iraq where liberators are seen as the enemy. While not naming Australia, he said governments which had joined the US invasion were now losing popular support at home and would soon face a stiff challenge at coming elections. Mr Abdullah says in order to make the war on terrorism effective, the United States must resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, grant full sovereignty to the Iraqi people and embark on a new anti-terrorism strategy.
Actually, we've done more to help alleviate the Paleostinian conflict than any previous administration's done. Things had to get worse before they started getting better, and that involved getting rid of Yasser. He's not quite gone yet, but future generations are going to spit when they say his name. That includes future generations of Muslims. I think Yasser knows that, too.
Mr Abdullah also told the roundtable, organised by Malaysia's Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS), that Islamic teachings have been corrupted to serve the militant cause. "Many Muslims refuse to acknowledge that there can be bad Muslims and that Islamic teachings have been corrupted by some groups to serve their militant cause," he told the 100 delegates. "Their uncompromising ideologies can drive the world to the brink of disaster. Like any other religion, Islam forbids the killing of innocent civilians. Yet some terrorist groups have preached that heaven awaits those who kill innocent civilians, so long as it is in the defence of their cause."
Perhaps you should stop referring to them as "holy warriors" then?
Mr Abdullah says the Muslim world must sever the spurious link that some religious institutions have falsely established between Islam, militancy and the killing of people. "Terrorism is the mortal enemy of Islam, not its consort," he said. Analysts at the meeting backed Mr Abdullah's remarks, saying Al Qaeda had hijacked Islam.
That's gone from being a cliche to becoming a ritual incantation. Saying "abracadabra" is just as effective and carries just as much meaning.

Posted by: Fred 2004-06-01