
Wisconsin recall election tests Republican policies
The governor of the US state of Wisconsin is facing a rare recall election, seen as a key test ahead of the presidential election in November. Republican Governor Scott Walker faces Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett more than a year after passing a law limiting workers' collective bargaining rights.

Critics gathered nearly one million signatures to force the recall vote.

The outcome of Wisconsin's vote could have implications for the presidential election, analysts say.

Mr Walker is only the third governor in US history to face a recall vote.

The fight in Wisconsin reflects the broader national conversation over how to deal with bloated budgets and a sluggish economic recovery, and correspondents say that what happens in Wisconsin could have a bearing on how the presidential campaign unfolds.

"One thing is really clear here: If Walker wins on Tuesday, which we are really confident he will, [Barack] Obama's going to have a much tougher road ahead in Wisconsin this fall," Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Preibus told reporters, ABC News reported.
Posted by: tipper 2012-06-05