
Controversial Muslim preacher to speak in Calgary
The controversial Muslim preacher who calls homosexuals evil and advocates their death is scheduled to speak at an upcoming event in Calgary. Dr. Bilal Philips, a Canadian-born Muslim preacher reputed to have links to terrorism and has been ousted from several countries, is to be a speaker at the Power of Unity Conference.

The event, being held by the Muslim Council of Calgary June 29 to July 1, aims to celebrate multiculturalism and more than a half-century of Islam in Canada.
Aren't those mutually exclusive?
Pride Calgary spokesman Doug Hass is disappointed Philips has been invited to spread his "hatred". He said, "It is a disappointment. We respect freedom of speech and religion. But I believe religion is about peace, love and tolerance, not wishing death against any community."

Saying the organization isn't planning any protests,
Why the hell not, Doug?
Hass wouldn't be surprised if some people show up to voice their opinion at the event.
It seems to me that advocating death and the treatment of homosexuals in some Muslim countries might be a more urgent cause for advocates than the focus on gay marriage in Western countries. I guess, for some, privleges for first world gays take precedence.
Ald. Diane Colley-Urquhart said Philips' track record raises concerns, but he will be monitored during his visit to ensure he doesn't cross the line from freedom of speech to pushing hatred. She said, "I absolutely believe in freedom of speech. We have a police service that takes hate crimes extremely seriously and a police chief that is very committed to tolerance. On the other hand, the chief also respects freedom of speech ... You can march, you can be free to say whatever you want to say -- your views and beliefs end where my rights begin."

Colley-Urquhart says it is "somewhat ironic" Philips is invited to speak at a conference designed to unite people. She said, "I guess every time one of these characters comes to town and espouses extreme divisive views there is always a chance to stand up and say it doesn't define our city."
And nothing stops evildoers like telling them "You don't define me."
Philips was kicked out of Kenya earlier this year amid security concerns. Britain and Australia have barred him and Germany kicked him out last year.
So he's well travelled...

Posted by: ryuge 2012-06-11