
Saudi Crown Prince Nayef Dead
Rooters adds:
RIYADH - Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz al-Saud has died in Geneva, Saudi state television said on Saturday, citing a royal court statement.
Update: Debka predicts:
Likely next Saudi heir Defense Minister Salman is fervent interventionist on Syria

Arab circles pushing for Western-Arab military force in the Syrian crisis will find substantial encouragement in the almost-certain accession of Saudi Defense Minister Salman, 76, to crown prince and heir to the throne after Interior Minister Prince Nayef died of a long illness. When Salman visited Washington on April 11 he won the approval of President Barack Obama and top administration officials as next in line to the throne occupied by the octogenarian King Abdullah. He bluntly urged the US president to dispose of the Syrian problem by bombing Bashar Assad's palace, a suggestion Obama rejected. Salman has since bombarded Washington himself with demands for US military intervention to end the Assad regime.
Posted by: Scooter McGruder 2012-06-16