
Ahmadinejad to retire from politics next year
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he intends to retire from politics at the end of his second term in 2013, Allgemeine Zeitung reported on Saturday. Ahmadinejad, a civil engineer by trade, said he plans to return to academics after leaving politics.
Unless the "people" won't let him leave, of course...
The Iranian president may not serve more than two consecutive terms, but may run for office again after an absence of one four-year term. Despite this, Ahmadinejad said "Eight years is enough," in an interview with Allgemeine Zeitung that will be published on Sunday.

"Maybe I'll get involved politically at the university, but I'm not going to found any political party or group," he said.
He might take supplements and grow an inch or two...
He has served as Iran's president since 2005, and served as mayor of Tehran prior to his election to the presidency.

Ahmadinejad's announcement came days before world powers and Iran are scheduled to reconvene in Moscow for a third round of nuclear talks.
Posted by: Steve White 2012-06-18