
Egypt Military Vow Power Transfer By End of June
[Wall Street Journal] Egypt's interim ruling military council pledged to honor its promise to hand over power by the end of this month, hours after Islamist candidate Mohammed Morsi claimed victory in the first free presidential vote since the ouster of authoritarian leader Hosni Mubarak.
Oh, yeah. Trust them on that. And if they feel like taking over again in six months or so, sure they won't indulge themselves.
Major-General Mohamed El Assar, a member of the interim ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, tried to assuage widespread concerns that a constitutional declaration, which came only a few days after Egypt's highest court dissolved its parliament, amounted to a military coup.
When the military takes charge of running the country it's kind of a coup by definition, isn't it? In most civilized countries the military is for fighting wars, not for running the country.

Posted by: Fred 2012-06-18