
Cherokee, Warren showdown
William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has been all over the Warren story from the beginning. Go there and read.
Four outraged Cherokee activists who say Elizabeth Warren's campaign has ignored their emails and phone calls will trek to Boston this week in hopes they can force a meeting with the Democratic Senate candidate over her "offensive" Native American heritage claims.

"It's almost becoming extremely offensive to us," said Twila Barnes, a Cherokee genealogist who has researched Warren's family tree. "We're trying to get in contact and explain why her behavior hurts us and is offensive, and she totally ignores that. Like we don't exist."

Late last night, a Warren campaign official told the Herald that staffers will "connect" and "offer to have staff meet with them."

The four women, who Barnes said are all registered Cherokee tribal members -- from Missouri, Oregon, Oklahoma and one within the Bay State -- are due to arrive in Boston late today for four days. But they are closely guarding their itinerary, and Barnes would not say exactly what they have in mind.

"We're going to be visible. We have some things planned," said Barnes, hinting: "It's (Warren's) birthday this week."

Politics isn't a motivator, Barnes insisted. One of the women is a registered Democrat, and the other three are left-leaning independents, said Barnes, who said she voted for President Obama in 2008.

"Everyone has put their political issues aside, because we feel we're not going to sacrifice our integrity for a seat in Congress," Barnes said.

What they want, Barnes said, is for Warren to sit down with them and to stop claiming she's a Native American.

Posted by: Fred 2012-06-18