
US Weighs Pulling Troops Out of Germany
The United States has yet to complete plans for any troop withdrawals from Germany and is still consulting with its allies over its intention to fundamentally rearrange American forces around the world, U.S. and German officials said Friday. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld suggested changes could begin soon, saying Washington is ready to move forces in Europe and Korea that have formed static defense lines rooted in the Cold War. “It’s time to adjust those locations from static defense to a more agile and a more capable and a more 21st-century posture,” Rumsfeld told reporters Thursday. He would not give specifics on any proposals. “It was clear that there was not yet a final decision, and that this decision-making and discussion process in the United States is still going on,” German Foreign Ministry spokesman Walter Lindner told reporters Friday. It is too early to discuss timetables and numbers, Lindner said. On Friday, the New York Times reported that the troop reduction would mean that the Germany-based 1st Armored Division and 1st Infantry Division would return to the United States.
Posted by: Sludj 2004-06-04