
Rielle Hunter Reveals John Edwards' Multiple Mistresses
[ABC News] Rielle Hunter was John Edwards'
...Former senator from North Carolina, former vice presidential candidate, former Democratic presidential contender. Edwards was noted for his Two Americas stump speech and for his pretty hair. People started to notice which of the two Americas he belonged to when he got a $400 haircut in his private plane. While his wife, Elizabeth, was dying of cancer Breck Boy was porking a hussy named Riehl Hunter, with whom he fathered a child, then paid one of his aides to claim that the baby was his...
most recent last mistress, but not his first or only one, she claims in a revealing tell-all memoir obtained by ABC News.

In the bombshell book, "What Really Happened" set to hit stores on June 26, Hunter reveals that Edwards, a two-time presidential candidate, had affairs with at least two other women dating back 20 years, and did not reveal the truth about his former relationships until 2011, two years after Hunter appeared before a grand jury.

The release of the book, which she wrote in an effort to explain her relationship with Edwards to their daughter, coincides with an exclusive interview with ABC's Chris Cuomo, which will air this Friday, June 22.

Posted by: Fred 2012-06-19