
Massive Bombing Exercises at Fort Knox?
H/T The Holy Blogfaddah
Massive Bombing Exercises Reported at Fort Knox - Have Been Ongoing For The Past Several Weeks

Infidel Bloggers Alliance Contributor Christine, who lives in Kentucky near Fort Knox, reports that massive bombing exercises have been ongoing for several weeks.

Locals who have lived in the area for a long time say these kinds of exercises are unprecedented.

Here is the dialogue from the IBA comments section:

Fort Knox has been SERIOUSLY rocking today. The bombing has been going on since early this morning. Been like a day long earthquake.

Somethings up.
Doesn't make sense to me. I'm just an old ex-enlisted squid, but this story would make more sense as a precursor of Something Really Really Big if it was happening at, say, Fort Hood or Fort Irwin. I'll gladly accept correction from any current or former Army types, but IIRC, Knox is mostly a venue for junior EM's and 2nd Lt's getting their initial training as Armor crew and officers - not a place where large combined-arms units are doing live fire workups preparatory to going somewhere hot.
Posted by: RIcky bin Ricardo (Abu Babaloo) 2012-06-19