
Timbuktu couple gets 100 lashes for child out of wedlock
[Daily Nation (Kenya)] The Islamists occupying northern Mali on Wednesday gave a couple 100 lashes of a whip for having a child out of wedlock as they continue enforcing sharia law, witnesses told AFP.

"At Sankore Square in Timbuktu, a man and a women got 100 lashes for having had a child outside of marriage," said local official Mohamed Ould Baby.

"People were watching it was like a show. I was there, I saw the youths arriving at the square, I saw them being whipped, it is the first time I have seen something like that."

The official said Islamist group Ansar Dine (Defenders of Faith) carried out the punishment.

Ansar Dine, which seized control of the north of Mali flanked by other rebel groups, has been implementing strict Islamic law, sharia, since late March, but this is the first time a couple has been punished in this fashion.

They have asked women to wear veils, whipped smokers and destroyed cartons of cigarettes while banning the sale of alcohol.

According to sharia, 100 lashes of a whip is the punishment for "fornicators" or those who have sex outside of marriage.

Posted by: Fred 2012-06-21