
MJC sez stay out of Kashmir
  • Dawn
    "The statement of Mr Powell that the US would go after terrorism that affects India is regrettable, nonsensical, unrealistic and contrary to historical facts."
    Mutahidda Jihad Council (MJC), an alliance of Kashmiri Mujahideen groups, on Wednesday deplored a reported statement of the US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, that the US would stretch its drive against terrorism to Kashmir. "The statement of Mr Powell that the US would go after terrorism that affects India is regrettable, nonsensical, unrealistic and contrary to historical facts," said the council at the end of an "emergent meeting" in Muzaffarabad. The meeting, according to a statement, was presided over by the MJC chairman Syed Salahuddin, and it discussed the latest situation emerging in the region, with particular reference to Indian foreign minister Jaswant Singh's meetings with the US officials in Washington.

    Regarding the Monday's car bomb blast in Srinagar, the MJC said it was the work of Indian agencies.
    "We want to make it clear that terrorism is being committed by India in Kashmir through its 750,000 troops in held Kashmir for the past five decades." the MJC said. Regarding the Monday's car bomb blast in Srinagar, the MJC said it was the work of Indian agencies. "The incident occurred at a time when the legislative assembly's session had finished and Jaswant Singh was in the US trying to bracket the Kashmiris' freedom struggle with global terrorism on the other." "The code of conduct of the Mujahideen does not allow them to attack and kill unarmed civilians, because we believe that such incidents impair the freedom struggle," the MJC said.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-10-03
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=3471