
Rising Sea Levels Can't Be Stopped!
Unstoppable, because even with aggressive reductions in carbon - and the resulting slowing or dropping of average temperatures - the ... [drum roll] warming sea water expands, and as it mixes with the cooler water, it keeps expanding!

"Though sea-level rise cannot be stopped for at least the next several hundred years, with aggressive mitigation it can be slowed down, and this would buy time for adaptation measures to be adopted," the scientists added.
Or buy your funeral plot on high ground.
Adaptation occurs quickly. We can move people out of the Maldives in a year -- send them all to Pakistan. Or Somalia. Or Yemen. They might prefer to take their chances staying on the islands.

Low-lying areas can be evacuated and repurposed much more quickly than the oceans will rise.

Posted by: Bobby 2012-07-06