
{Somalian} MP slams Kenyan air attacks in Somalia
(Sh. M. Network)-A politician in Somalia's parliament has strongly condemned Kenya's air raids inside Somali territory, a day after Kenyan fighter jets carried out a deadly aerial attacks in Gedo region, west of Somalia.

Mohamed Omar Geedi, the MP said during an interview with Shabelle Media that it will not be tolerable that Kenyan military to continue their air raids and kill innocent civilians of Somalia.

"We spoke out in several times over the Kenyan attacks against Al shabab fighters. During the attacks many civilians, mostly herds were killed and others seriously hurt. I call upon Kenyan government to avoid civilian casualties as it carries out shelling against rebel-held villages in south and west of Somalia," he added.

Kenya has in the previous carried out more air strikes in the border region between Somali and Kenya controlled by Al Qaeda linked Somali based Al shabab jihad boys, killing local people, mainly IDPs.
Posted by: Fred 2012-07-16