
The Saudis Fight Terror, but Not Those Who Wage It
Ladies and gentlemen I think we are witnessing the last days until the END OF THE WORLD! What else would it explain two miracles in a row...A Saudi admitting the truth and the New York Crimes publishing it!!
"Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi ambassador to Washington, published an extraordinary article Tuesday in Al Watan, a newspaper run by the descendants of King Faisal, in which he called the domestic Saudi effort against terrorism feeble. The prince noted the long history of violent opposition to mainstream Islam arising on the Arabian peninsula from the time of the Prophet Muhammad through the 1920’s, when a band of religious zealots mutinied against King Abdel Aziz, Bandar’s grandfather and the founder of the kingdom, for being insufficiently devout.
"It has nothing to do with America or Israel or the Christians or Jews," Prince Bandar wrote. "So let us stop these meaningless justifications for what those criminals are doing and let us stop blaming others while the problem comes from within us."

Elsewhere in the article he noted that the kingdom’s religious scholars "have to declare jihad against those deviants and to fully support it, as those who keep silent about the truth are mute devils.""

Posted by: Anonymous4617 2004-06-07