
Ex-Egypt lawmaker “guilty” of indecency
CAIRO: An Egyptian court has sentenced a former ultraconservative lawmaker to 18 months in jail on charges of “violating public decency” and contempt of police.

Police officers say Ali Wanees, who is also a religious cleric, was in a parked vehicle along an agricultural road at night last month. The officers say they approached the car and saw a woman in a full face veil sitting on top of Wanees, who was touching and caressing her.
So they were making out in a car at the local Lover's Lane? They could have at least gone to a drive-in movie...
Wanees has denied the charges. He was tried in absentia and is allowed a retrial.

The woman with him has been under arrest for about a month. She was ordered to six months in jail yesterday.

The charges are especially embarrassing for Salafis, who advocate a strict segregation of unrelated men and women.
Posted by: Steve White 2012-07-22