
Penn State faces $60m fine over ex-coach sex scandal
[Iran Press TV] US National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has fined Penn State University 60 million dollars in connection with a sex abuse scandal committed by long-serving football coach Jerry Sandusky.
It's a state university, which means the money comes out of the pockets of Pennsylvania taxpayers...
The university, a famous US football school, also loses all victories from 1998-2001 and will face a four-year ban from competing for honors.
I can see the four-year ban, maybe kinda sorta, but I don't see what's served by "unwinning" 13 years worth of games that the athletes won, as far as anyone can tell, fair and square. I know of a lawyer who was arrested for attempting to "liase" with a 13-year-old girl. Nobody's called for any cases he won to be reversed. If it was a garbage man they wouldn't be bringing everybody's garbage back.
US college sport authorities said the punishments are "corrective and punitive".
Punitive, certainly, but I'm not sure how it punishes Jerry Sandusky.
Sandusky faced 52 criminal counts that he sexually abused 10 boys over 15 years, allegations he has denied. His arrest and the fallout led to departures of longtime football coach Joe Paterno and the university president.
Neither Paterno nor that university president abused the boys. The fact that Paterno "preferred not to notice" Sandusky's antics doesn't negate the fact that he was a winning coach. For that matter, it doesn't make Sandusky into other than a winning assistant coach. Sandusky's a dirtbag and Paterno decided to be a moral coward, but the football players played the games honestly.
"Football will never again be placed ahead of educating, nurturing and protecting young people," NCAA President Mark Emmert was quoted as saying.
Penn State is a football school but it's anything but a degree mill.
"This case is obviously incredibly unprecedented in every aspect of it, as are these actions that we're taking today," he said.
"Unprecedented" isn't the same thing as "appropriate."
The sex scandal has sullied the squeaky clean image of Penn State's former head football coach Paterno, who died in January, months before the resolution of the case. Paterno had won more college football games in his long career at Penn State than any other head coach in university sport.
Which had nothing to do with any criminal activity...
A university-commissioned investigation, led by FBI, concluded in July that Paterno and several other brass hats at Penn State remained tight-lipped for years about accusations against Sandusky.
Posted by: Fred 2012-07-24