
Yemenis rally for freedom for detained protesters
Because that's what Yemen needs, by gum, more rallies!
SANAA, Yemen: Thousands of Yemenis rallied the capital Sanaa on Saturday, urging authorities to release 117 protesters arrested during the yearlong popular uprising against former President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Activist Fathi Al-Baadani said the rally is also a protest against the government’s sluggishness to release the detainees despite an order to review their cases and set them free. The delay is due to the fact that Saleh’s followers still hold influential security and military positions, Al-Baadani added.

Yemen’s Human Rights Minister Huriya Mashhour confirmed the number of detained protesters on Saturday, but added that others are being held in unofficial detention centers. Youth groups behind the uprising that led to Saleh’s ouster say that more than 80 people are detained in such unofficial centers.

Sanaa radio said Prime Minister Salem Mohammed Bassindwa expressed strong dissatisfaction with several military, security and intelligence institutions over the lack of action to free the prisoners. The radio quoted Bassindwa as telling a group of youth representatives that he and President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi had already instructed authorities to speed up the administrative process and free those held in unofficial detention centers.
Posted by: Steve White 2012-07-29