
Bahrain: Clashes at protester's funeral, 8 arrested
Protesters hurled petrol bombs and stones at police in clashes that broke out in Bahrain on Tuesday night at the funeral for a teenage demonstrator killed last week. The government said police arrested eight protesters. The opposition accused security forces of provoking the violence by firing tear gas.

The fighting broke out at the funeral of 16-year-old Hussam al-Haddad, who was killed on Friday by police gunfire. A government statement said, "A group of rioters bombarded police with Molotov cocktails and stones from the roof of a religious center. Another group attempted to block several roads, while still others began an illegal rally on a busy road," adding that eight people had been arrested.

Wefaq, the main opposition party, said riot police started the trouble by firing tear gas at the mourners. It said, "Many injuries were reported as the regime forces opened fire at mourners. As usual, the regime forces backed the militias who took part in attacking the mourners."

Opposition activists said Haddad was also beaten by plainclothes agents. The Interior Ministry said the death resulted from police reacting in self-defense to a petrol bomb attack on a patrol.
Posted by: 2012-08-22