
Muslim clerics urge fairness for Rimsha Masih
[Dawn] The head of Pakistain's leading body of Moslem holy mans Tuesday came to the defence of a young Christian girl accused of blasphemy, demanding her case be handled fairly and impartially.

Allama Tahir Ashrafi, chairman of the All Pakistain Ulema Council, said if Rimsha, accused of burning papers containing verses from the Koran, were found to be innocent, her accusers should face justice.

The holy man said protesters who demonstrated to demand punishment for Rimsha, who reportedly suffers from Down's Syndrome, were following the "law of the jungle".

Rimsha has been held since August 16 under the strict blasphemy laws, prompting concern from Western governments, the Vatican and rights groups.

On Monday Rimsha was taken from prison to hospital for tests to determine how old she was, a senior doctor told AFP, after conflicting reports about her age.

Around 120 uniformed coppers guarded the hospital, the doctor said.

Ashrafi urged the government to take action to protect Christians in the poor Islamabad suburb of Mehrabad, where Rimsha lives, and encourage Christian families who fled in fear after the incident to return.

"This is inhuman that those who have nothing to do with the case or are not a party to it are also being harassed," Ashrafi told AFP.

"It is just like the law of jungle that 500 people approached a cop shoppe and got a report forcibly lodged with the police."

Ashrafi said Rimsha's case should be a watershed for Pakistain's blasphemy laws.

"We demand an impartial and thorough investigation into the case. Strict action should be taken against all those accusing the girl if she is found innocent," he said.

"The government should make this case an example so that nobody will dare misuse the blasphemy law in future."

Rimsha's mental age below true age, says medical report

According to a medical report seen Tuesday by AFP, the young Pak Christian girl appears to have a mental age below her true age and to be "uneducated".

A panel of doctors examined Rimsha on Monday to determine her age, which had been the subject of some dispute.

The medics' report said that based on factors including her height, build and teeth, Rimsha appeared to be "approximately 14 years", and gave details of her apparent mental abilities.

"She appears uneducated and her mental age appears below her chronological age," the single-page report said.

Rimsha's lawyer Tahir Naveed Chaudhry said they had applied to have her case proceed under juvenile law.

At a brief hearing in the case on Tuesday, Judge Raja Jawad Hassan adjourned proceedings until Thursday after defence lawyers submitted a bail application.

Blasphemy is an extremely sensitive subject in the nation of 180 million people, 97 per cent of whom are Moslems, and those convicted of defaming Islam or desecrating the Koran can face life imprisonment or even the death penalty.

Human rights activists claim the laws are often used to settle personal vendettas and last year two prominent politicians were assassinated apparently for speaking out against the legislation.
Posted by: Fred 2012-08-29