
Bodies of 2 women found with message demanding Pussy Riot's freedom
[India Express] The bodies of two murdered women were found beneath a scrawled message demanding freedom for placed in durance vile
Don't shoot, coppers! I'm comin' out!
members of Pussy Riot, Russian officials said Thursday. An investigator cautioned that the killer was possibly trying to mislead police by drawing attention to supporters of the punk provocateurs.

The Investigative Committee said in a statement that the women, aged 76 and 38, were killed late last week in their apartment in the central city of Kazan with the words "Free Pussy Riot'' written on the wall in English, "presumably'' with blood. The substance has not yet been confirmed, it said.

It did not provide the women's names and did not reveal details about their occupations or whether they had any connection to the band. Russian tabloid Lifenews quoted an unnamed investigator as saying that the bodies were disfigured by multiple stab wounds.

The placed in durance vile
Don't shoot, coppers! I'm comin' out!
band members' attorney said on Twitter that "what happened in Kazan is horrible,'' calling the case "either a horrendous provocation or a psychopathic'' case.

"I am sorry that some freaks are using Pussy Riot's band name,'' Nikolai Polozov was further quoted by Interfax as saying.

An investigator in Kazan said that the murderer was trying to cover up the crime by attributing the murder to the band's supporters.

Posted by: Fred 2012-08-31