
Attack on US ambassador planned: report
[NY Post] Tuesday night's deadly assault that killed the American ambassador to Libya and three other Americans was planned by attackers who used protests as a diversion, sources told CNN today.
Libyan authorities are no doubt rounding them up now, and not being gentle in the process...
Earlier reports said the Americans were killed when a mob of protesters and gunmen overwhelmed the US Consulate in Benghazi, setting fire to it in outrage over a film that ridicules Islam's Prophet Muhammad.
In civilized countries, if you don't like a movie the appropriate response is not to go to see it. If it's all that offensive you can make a movie to counter it.
Libya's new president apologized Wednesday for the attack, which underlined the lawlessness plaguing a region trying to recover from months of upheaval.
Thanx for the apologies. When are the hangings?
Ambassador Chris Stevens, 52, died as he and a group of embassy employees went to the consulate to try to evacuate staff as a crowd of hundreds attacked the consulate Tuesday evening, many of them firing machine-guns and rocket-propelled grenades.
Y'see, when they went to make their movie to counter the one they didn't like they, too, were met with... Ummm... No. They weren't.
By the end of the assault, much of the building was burned out and trashed. Stevens was the first US ambassador to be killed in the line of duty since 1979.
What's that line in the Marine hymn? Oh, yes: "... to the shores of Tripoli." They did something there. And when Qadaffy's evil minions kaboomed a disco in Berlin the U.S. Air Force and the Navy took offense and did things to Tripoli again.
A Libyan doctor who treated Stevens said he died of severe asphyxiation, apparently from smoke.
... or from hard boyz taking turns standing on his chest...
In a sign of the chaos during the attack, Stevens was brought alone by Libyans to the Benghazi Medical Center with no other Americans, and no one at the facility knew who he was, the doctor, Ziad Abu Zeid, told The Associated Press.
Those who brought him should be rewarded. Those who made the trip necessary need to be killed, preferably brutally.
Stevens was practically dead when he arrived close to 1 a.m. on Wednesday, but "we tried to revive him for an hour and a half but with no success," Abu Zeid said. The ambassador had bleeding in his stomach because of the asphyxiation but no other injuries, he said.
I'm not an M.D., but I happen to know that internal bleeding is one of the signs of someone standing on your abdomen.
President Obama ordered increased security to protect American diplomatic personnel around world.
"And Braddock? Tell them to check and make sure all those barn doors are locked!"
"Of course, Your Excellency!"

Hours before the Benghazi attack, Egyptians angry over the film protested at the US Embassy in Cairo, climbing its walls and tearing down an American flag, which they replaced briefly with a black, Islamist flag.
Well, that kinda indicates who it was that violated our sovreign territory.
"I strongly condemn the outrageous attack on our diplomatic facility in Benghazi," Obama said,
"Even as I speak these words, a strong, strong letter is being staffed!!
adding the four Americans "exemplified America's commitment to freedom, justice, and partnership with nations and people around the globe."
"But we can't blame Moslems for what they do in the name of their religion! They're not responsible for their acts!"
Posted by: Fred 2012-09-13