
Al Hilli was rabid anti-semite and truther
The British engineer killed in the French Alps ­secretly held extreme anti-Israeli beliefs which could be the key to the massacre that has baffled police, a close friend claims.

To his wealthy neighbours, Saad al-Hilli was a devoted family man. But behind closed doors he is said to have spent hours on his computer bombarding Arabic chatrooms with anti-Israeli posts. Now one of Saad's oldest friends believes he and his dentist wife Ikbal, 47, and her mother Suhaila Al Saffar, 74, could have paid a high price for his rants... in an execution by the feared Israeli secret service Mossad.

Tonight Gary Aked, who had known Saad for nearly 20 years, is being ­questioned by two Surrey police officers about his explosive new clues to the ­killings, which are contained in chatroom and online forum messages posted by Saad showing the dangerous depths of his hatred.

Gary, 52, became a close friend of Iraqi-born Saad after meeting him in 1993 when they worked for the same engineering firm. They even went on holiday together.

"He was a difficult man to get to know, but I did over the years," Gary said. "The one thing that always worried me about him was how vocal he was on internet chatrooms about Iraq and also the Arab-Israeli conflict.

"He would forever be talking about how the Israelis were taking over the world and specifically taking over America. He hated Israeli Jews taking big banks and strongholds in America.

"He thought 9/11 was an inside job by the Israelis to create hatred against the Arabic nations. After 9/11 his involvement in chatrooms increased dramatically. He was very passionate about his beliefs. He didn't believe the Jews should be in Israel. He thought the land should be Palestinian.

"When I heard Saad and Ikbal had been murdered my first thought was, "What has he said? What has he done?' I think it's possible he has offended someone and Mossad has taken offence and put a hit out on him."
And yet you did not find his views offensive enough to prevent a close friendship...
But despite Saad's extreme beliefs, Gary insists his friend was not a terrorist or member of a fundamentalist group and was a man of "words and beliefs", not action and violence. "I know that Saad was not a terrorist because he would have never done anything to put his family in danger.
Except mouth off for years on the internet, which everyone knows is bugged by the CIA and the murderous Mossad. The man ought to be counted as a Darwin Award winner even though it wasn't the Jooooooooos whut dunnit. And in the end he did get most of his family killed, so yes, his is exactly a person who would put his family in danger. And so did our brave Mr. Aked to his family by his long friendship with the man. Sleep well, Mr. Aked.
He was not a violent person," he said.
Mossad don't whack people because they don't like their opinions. If they did there would be a corpse on every second street corner. I'm back to Al Hilli tried to sell something to the Iranians, and when they got what they wanted, they eliminated anyone who knew. My guess is he got the codes to decrypt surveillance satellite data.
Posted by: phil_b 2012-09-16