
Pelosi says Medicare will help Democrats win majority in House
[LA Times] House Minority Speaker Nancy San Fran Nan Pelosi
Congresswoman-for-Life from the San Francisco Bay Area, born into a family of politicians. Formerly Speaker of the House, but it's not her fault they lost. Really. Noted for her heavily botoxed grimace...
laughed off the chances of a Willard Mitt Romney
...former governor of Massachussetts, currently the Publican nominee for president. He is the son of the former governor of Michigan, George Romney, who himself ran for president after saving American Motors from failure, though not permanently. Romney has a record as a successful businessman, heading Bain Capital, and he rescued the 2002 Winter Olympics from the midst of bribery and mismanagement scandals. More to the point, he isn't President B.O...
presidency, while trumpeting the possibility that Democrats will retake the House of Representatives, during an interview aired Sunday on CNN.

Pelosi, speaking with host Candy Crowley on "State of the Union," pointed to one issue in particular that she thinks will deliver the House to Democrats: Medicare.

"We have been saying there are three important issues in this campaign. And in alphabetical order, they are Medicare, Medicare, Medicare," she said.

"On August 11, when Gov. Romney chose [Rep. Paul D.] Ryan, that was a pivotal day. That is the day things really changed," she added, attributing the Wisconsin congressmen's own controversial Medicare proposals with bringing the program back to the forefront of the election-year debate, and in her opinion, putting the ball back into the Democrats' court.

"We were on a path. I would have said to you then we were dead even. Well, the momentum is very much with us, the Medicare issue in this campaign. We have the message, we have the messengers, we have the money, we have the mobilization. We have a very excellent chance to take back the House," Pelosi said.

As for the likelihood that Pelosi and congressional Democrats would work together with a Romney administration, regardless of a return to a majority in the House, Pelosi refuted the possibility.

"Mitt Romney isn't going to be President of the United States," she said with a laugh. "Everyone knows that."

Posted by: Fred 2012-09-17