
White House opens door to other explanations behind Libya attack
Better late than never, I suppose.
Two days after the Obama administration's top diplomat to the United Nations insisted the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya was "spontaneous," the White House opened the door Tuesday to the possibility of other explanations.

"We have provided information about what we believe was the precipitating cause of the protest and violence based on the information that we have had available," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said Tuesday. "The FBI is investigating, and that investigation will follow the facts wherever they lead."

Carney continued to claim that "we do not have any indication at this point of premeditation or pre-planned attacks," but went on to say: "we're not making declarations ahead of the facts here."

Perhaps significantly, Carney did not go so far as U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice in detailing what the administration thinks happened. In doing so, Carney appeared to acknowledge that the investigation could offer a different version of events.

Rice said on "Fox News Sunday" -- one of several Sunday show interviews she granted -- that the administration believes the attack was not "preplanned" or "premeditated." Instead, Rice said, it was a "spontaneous" reaction to protests in Egypt over an anti-Islam film, and extremist elements "joined the fray" before it "spun out of control."

However, that account clashed with claims by the Libyan president that the attack was in fact premeditated. Other sources, including an intelligence source in Libya who spoke to Fox News, have echoed those claims. The intelligence source even said that, contrary to the suggestion by the Obama administration, there was no major protest in Benghazi before the deadly attack which killed four Americans. A U.S. official did not dispute the claim.

Posted by: tipper 2012-09-19