
Brigitte Bardot Speaks Out!
From May 2003, what she said to get fined:
The 68 year old also has nothing good to say about Paris prostitutes.

"Our lovely, kind street-walkers have been replaced by girls from the East, Nigerians, travellers, transsexuals, drag-queens, bearers of Aids and other friendly gifts. Having a risk-free go is becoming a real exploit."
From here.

It’s been sixty years since there were Germans in Paris. Nobody appreciates a high quality French whore like a German soldier.

"I’m against the Islamization of France...our grandfathers, our fathers gave their lives for centuries to chase all successive invaders out of France," one excerpt said.

Asked what passages shocked him, Tubiana said: "saying, for example, that Muslims can’t be French - that’s a real problem - or that Muslims are invading France, that Muslims are all terrorists. ...This type of generalization is unacceptable."

Passages about Muslims, Tubiana contended, break French anti-racism laws that prevent inciting hate and discrimination on racial or religious or racial grounds.

Bardot, 68, a former screen siren and animal rights campaigner, was convicted in 1997 and 2000 of inciting racial violence after she criticized in print the Muslim practice of slaughtering sheep.
From here.

French human rights groups are busy defending the rights of Moslems. Someone should make them all sit down and memorize the facts about the Battle of Tours. One battle won by the French, btw, headed by Charles "The Hammer" Martel. Despite the name, he was not a professional wrestler. In those days, they meant "Hammer".

Posted by: Chuck Simmins 2004-06-11
