
Dutch troops to stay in Iraq
The Dutch government of Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende decided on Friday to extend the country’s military mission to Iraq for another eight months. Foreign Minister Ben Bot and Defence Minister Henk Kamp had made it clear on numerous occasions over recent months that they strongly supported a continuation of the country’s military presence in the southern Iraqi province of al-Muthanna. The decision by the cabinet can already count on a clear majority in the country’s lower house, which will debate the plan in coming week. The main opposition Labour Party wants to see more guarantees for the troops®safety before it gives full backing to the plan. Within the cabinet – a three-party coalition of Christian Democrats, conservative VVD and the D66 democrats – only the D66 ministers still had doubts about the planned extension as the week began, but the new UN resolution on Iraq finally removed their concerns.
Murat: :-)
Posted by: Evert V. in NL 2004-06-11