
Baboons on rampage
Residents of a small South African coastal town are threatening to declare all-out war on baboons who have terrorised pre-schoolers, raided homes for food and urinated on clothes after pulling them out of closets. Diana Head, the chairwoman of the local taxpayers’ association in Pringle Bay, an hour’s drive east of Cape Town, told AFP Monday that baboons broke into the local nursery school -- located in a church -- three times, using the same method. "The baboons lifted a window latch and stormed a church hall where the children were," she said. "They grabbed sandwiches and cold drinks out of the children’s hands... Local official Craig Spencer told the Cape Times newspaper that the town did not have the authority to intervene, adding that the municipality had hired a nature conservation student to manage the baboons and printed pamphlets on how to keep baboons at bay.
You roll the pamphlet up and wack ’em on the nose. If that doesn’t work, stop feeding the children.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins 2004-06-14