
DHS HQ Late and ... Over Budget!
Constructing the new Department of Homeland Security headquarters will cost $600 million more than originally expected and take six years longer to complete, according to the department's latest estimates.

The initial plan called for $3.45 billion to consolidate DHS operations on the site of the former St. Elizabeths Hospital campus in southeast Washington by the end of fiscal 2016.
Ironically - perhaps - that's the site of the old looney bin.
But delays caused by congressional budget cuts have driven the cost of the project up to $4.06 billion and will drag completion out to fiscal 2022, according to the estimates. The department originally planned to relocate more than 14,000 workers from more than 180 offices and reduce its leased offices in the Washington area to fewer than 12 by fiscal 2016.
Posted by: Bobby 2012-12-06