
Nek Mohammed Dead
Pakistani forces killed a renegade tribal leader allied with suspected al-Qaida militants in an overnight mortar assault on a mud-brick fortress near the Afghan border, the army spokesman said Friday. Nek Mohammed, a former Taliban fighter who led fierce resistance to the army’s effort to flush out foreign fighters from the region, died late Thursday at the home of another tribal chief. "We were tracking him down and he was killed last night by our hand," Maj. Gen. Shaukat Sultan told The Associated Press in Islamabad, the Pakistani capital.

Mohammed’s men are responsible for several deadly ambushes against the army and led a group of heavily armed holdouts during a March standoff that killed more than 120 people. He later agreed to cooperate with authorities but reneged on promises to turn over foreign fighters, prompting the latest round of hostilities. Mohammed was apparently staying in the home of another tribal leader, Sher Zaman, when the army attacked with mortar fire late Thursday. Residents said that in addition to Mohammed, two of Zaman’s grown-up sons were killed in the attack in Pir Bagh, near Wana, the main town in South Waziristan.
Posted by: Paul Moloney 2004-06-18