
Clinton has meltdown in BBC interview
by Chris Hastings and Charles Laurence, London Sunday Telegraph.
Bill Clinton loses his temper with David Dimbleby during a BBC television interview to be broadcast this week when he is repeatedly quizzed about his affair with Monica Lewinsky.
Almost reason enough to upgrade the cable service so you get BBC America.
The former American president, famed for his uncontrolled priapism amiable disposition, becomes visibly angry and rattled, particularly when Dimbleby asks him whether his publicly declared contrition over the affair is genuine. His outrage at the line of questioning during the 50-minute interview, to be broadcast on Panorama on Tuesday night, lasts several minutes. It is the first time that the former President has been seen to lose his temper publicly over the issue of his sexual liaisons with Ms Lewinsky. The President initially responds to Dimbleby’s questions by launching a general attack on media intrusion.
"I’d have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn’t for those meddling kids!"
When the broadcaster persists with the question of whether the politician was truly penitent, Clinton directs his anger towards Dimbleby.
"Insolent lackey! How dare you ask penetrating questions in an interview! Don’t you know who I am?"
. . . One BBC executive who has seen the interview, which took place in a New York hotel last Wednesday, said: "He is visibly angry with Dimbleby’s line of questioning and some of that anger gets directed at Dimbleby himself. As outbursts go, it is not just some flash that is over in an instant. It is something substantial and sustained. It is memorable television which will give the public a different insight into the President’s character. It will leave them wondering whether he is as contrite as he says he is about past events."
I’m not surprised Clinton isn’t contrite, I’m surprised he lost his composure and let it out. I’m also surprised it was Auntie Beeb that set him off.
Posted by: Mike 2004-06-20