
Maskhadov and Basayev masterminded Ingushetia attacks
Chechen separatist leader Aslan Maskhadov may have been involved in the terrorist attacks against sites where law enforcers are deployed in Ingushetia, Chechen Interior Minister, General Alu Alkhanov, told Interfax on Tuesday. Alkhanov said that "Maskhadov may be directly involved" in the terrorist attacks since he "declared several days ago that he plans to attack objects of local security agencies and authority structures." Alkhanov said that "the analysis of the information we are receiving" indicates that Maskhadov and Shamil Basayev are involved in the attacks.

Head of the State Duma’s Committee on Foreign Affairs and head of the Russian PACE delegation Konstantin Kosachev told Interfax by phone that he shares Alkhanov’s position. He also said that the Russian PACE delegation has prepared a declaration regarding the attack in Ingushetia. "We want to attract the European parliamentarians’ attention to the situation in the North Caucasus, which once again confirms that all of the separatists’ actions are definitely of a criminal and terrorist character," Kosachev said.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-06-22