
If he's still breathing, and I have my doubts, that would be a good bet.
Y'mean like in Fazl's guesthouse?
What were those GPS coordinates again?
NATO Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan Hikmet Cetin said, ''(Osama) Bin Laden is in mountainous Waziristan region at Afghanistan's border with Pakistan. Even if he is captured, Al Qaida and Taleban won't come to an end.'' Cetin explained Al Qaida as follows: ''Al Qaida is now an ideology. An ideology without a state, but attacking values of the modern world. It has undertakers in Islam countries. They are developing terror projects.''
An excellent description.
Certainly accurate in the meaning of 'undertakers'.
Without Binny it's an ideology without a checkbook...
Waziristan, where Bin Laden is hiding, is 150 kilometers east of Kabul and on the Tora Bora mountains. Al Qaida is communicating through persons.
They're using runners because people blab whenever we bonk somebody based on intel from covering satphones.
Somebody should have told Nek Mohammad, or maybe he didn't listen.
Just the sort of thoughts of invincibility we need to encourage.
Using telephones, freeing pigeons, singing songs, and whistling are banned.
Worried about carrier pigeons? That's interesting.
Those who are doing all these are killed.
That's pretty much their only punishment.

Posted by: Steve 2004-06-22