
Zarqawi Vows to Assassinate Iraqi Leader
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An audio recording purportedly made by the militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and found online Wednesday threatened to assassinate Iraq's interim prime minister. "As for you (Iyad) Allawi ... you didn't know that you have survived already traps we made for you, but we promise you that we will continue the game until the end," the online recording said. "You are the symbol of evil and the infidel nation; you are the source of all traitors."
"Rabid, scared, high-pitched, like a flouncey little girl, yep, that's him, Boss!"
The Jordanian terror suspect is believed to have ties to al-Qaida, and groups associated with him have claimed responsibility for a number of bombings and attacks in Iraq, most recently Tuesday's beheading of South Korean hostage Kim Sun-il.
Posted by: Steve White 2004-06-23