
Sailors ’To be released’...
Iran is reported to have issued an order giving the go-ahead for the release of eight Royal Navy sailors captured after sailing into Iranian waters. The order was made after the men admitted making the "mistake", Iran’s ISNA news agency quoted the country’s foreign minister as saying. The crisis had appeared to escalate earlier when the men were paraded blindfolded on state-run television. However, a source close to the negotiations between Iran and Britain said the unit’s release should be concluded today. The British embassy in Tehran would only say it was still in talks with Iranian authorities. Iranian officials have indicated the men would be freed if it was established they did not enter Iranian waters deliberately. Nonetheless, there have been conflicting signals from Tehran over how the authorities intended to deal with the situation.

The men were arrested on Tuesday after their patrol boats apparently strayed into Iranian territorial waters close to the Iraq border.After viewing the TV footage of the blindfolded men, Downing Street warned it expected them to be treated in accordance with international law. A Foreign Office spokesman said they were "extremely concerned" about the development and would be raising the matter with the Iranians "at the appropriate level". Further television pictures have been shown two of the captured men - not blindfolded this time - apparently confessing to the intrusion into Iranian waters and apologising for the incident. Earlier Foreign Secretary Jack Straw intervened personally with his Iranian counterpart, Kamal Kharazzi, to appeal for the men’s release.

Doubtless the Mad Mullahs will insist that only Allan can make a decision and consequently they must watch the skies for a sign. Not holding my breath. Weren’t they putting them on trial yesterday?
Posted by: Howard UK 2004-06-23