
MILF gets 6 months to come clean on JI
Unrest in the Philippines will increase in coming months as a militant group steps up efforts to undermine the government of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, the country’s national security adviser said on Wednesday. Norberto Gonzales told Reuters in an interview the threat from the group linked to the political opposition had eased for now, but would probably strengthen, adding to security threats from communist and Muslim rebels. "The problem lingers and you will see an increase in the so-called parliament of the streets -- there will be demonstrations, lots of filing of cases of corruption," he said. "We know more or less the persons or persons behind it. This is a group that has no following within the armed forces at all."

Three explosive devices found and dismantled in Manila earlier this week raised concern that groups linked to the opposition were trying to undermine Arroyo, who is expected to be officially proclaimed president by Congress on Thursday after narrowly winning the May 10 elections. Three men suspected of planting the devices, one in an exclusive residential area, were arrested on Tuesday in a raid on a house in a town east of Manila, the military said on Wednesday. Bomb-making materials and guns were also found, it said. Gonzales said the group that planted the devices was likely to renew attempts to destabilise the new government after Arroyo is sworn in for a new six-year term, although it had apparently given up attempts to stop her proclamation. "Most of the plans for destabilisation have more or less fizzled out," said Gonzales. "We have not monitored any assembly that is being held to cause us to worry." He said the group did not have enough support to launch an uprising similar to that by disgruntled army officers that Arroyo faced down last July.

Gonzales also said the new government would take a tough line against Muslim rebels believed to be sheltering foreign militants in the country’s south, demanding that they expel suspected members of the Jemaah Islamiah movement by the end of the year. Gonzales said the new government would give leaders of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), the largest of four Muslim separatist groups, less than six months to expel around 30 JI members believed to be using its hideouts in troubled Mindanao island in the country’s south. "We can’t wait too long," he told Reuters. "It is sufficient that we give the MILF leadership sufficient time. It is to their best interest to keep the JI group away as quickly as possible."

Four MILF members arrested at a military checkpoint two months ago admitted they were getting money and instructions from an Indonesian JI leader, military officials said. Gonzales said government would not be convinced by the MILF statements that it has no active links with either JI or al Qaeda unless the rebels "do something about it." He said some JI members fought side-by-side with MILF fighters when the military launched attacks in 2000. "It’s probably an emotional issue to some elements in the MILF, so I don’t know how they will handle it," he said. "But, I think the MILF is fully aware that they cannot allow the JI to continue staying in their territories."
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-06-23