
SAS sent to protect British embassy in Saudi Arabia
Britain has sent a special force to Saudi Arabia to bolster security at the British embassy and plan a possible mass evacuation of foreigners, the Daily Telegraph newspaper said on Wednesday, quoting defence sources. “There is very serious nervousness about the situation in Saudi Arabia,” one British official told the newspaper. According to the report, the 25-man Special Air Service (SAS) team is backed by many more special forces in Qatar which could be called upon if the 20,000 British nationals in Saudi Arabia had to be withdrawn in a hurry. The SAS team in Saudi Arabia are counter-revolutionary warfare specialists and were deployed last week, the Daily Telegraph reoprted. It added the larger SAS force based in Qatar has been given approval by the Saudi authorities to move in should any threat develop against the embassy.
The jihadi hard boys will stay far away from the embassy, too many people with guns. Easier pickings elseware.

Posted by: Steve 2004-06-23