
After killing of hostage, U.S. launches airstrike
Iraq’s interim prime minister said Wednesday he was determined to confront the mastermind of bombings and beheadings who threatened to assassinate him, and the U.S. military said it killed 20 foreign fighters at the suspected terrorist’s hideout.
Hmmm... I thought the locals said it was only three or four grannie ladies who were running a petting zoo for underprivileged children?
A recording purportedly made by Jordanian-born terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi threatened to kill interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi and fight the Americans ``until Islamic rule is back on Earth.’’ The audio was found Wednesday on an Islamic Web site from the group that claimed responsibility for the beheading of American hostage Nicholas Berg and Kim Sun-il, a South Korean whose decapitated body was found Tuesday between Baghdad and Fallujah. After the slaying, U.S. forces launched an airstrike on what the Americans said was an al-Zarqawi hideout in Fallujah. A senior
coalition military official said 20 foreign fighters and terrorists were believed to have been killed in the Tuesday night strike. Dr. Loai Ali Zeidan at Fallujah Hospital put the death toll at three with nine wounded. It was the second U.S. airstrike on Fallujah since Saturday. ``In both cases, we believe we hit significant numbers of al-Zarqawi lieutenants and al-Zarqawi fighters,’’ said another official, Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt. The airstrikes also destroyed large ammunition stores, Kimmitt, coalition deputy operations chief, said Wednesday in an interview with Associated Press Television News.
Posted by: Anonymous5089 2004-06-23