
Kimmitt Says Saddam Humanely Treated
Saddam Hussein "has the gall" to complain about the conditions of his treatment, but he is being treated with "dignity and respect," a senior U.S. military officer said Wednesday. Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt told Associated Press Television News that the deposed Iraqi dictator "is being treated in accordance with the Geneva Conventions." Still, Saddam "has the gall to be whining like a yippy little cocker spaniel complaining," Kimmitt said. "We don't have him in one of his palaces," he said. "We don't have him in one of his luxurious apartments that he used the oil money of the people of Iraq to buy. He is being treated like any other security detainee according to the Geneva Conventions, with dignity and respect. This is a man who is responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of his own countrymen."
I'm sure the French will still offer him asylum.

Posted by: Steve White 2004-06-24