
Great and Powerful Islamic Warriors as role model... cute
23 June 2004 - Muslim children play at beheading. Just when you think it can’t get any worse, it does.

A video located today on Sheik Abu Hamza’s website, www.shareeah.org, features four children, doing what as children the world over do: pretending. But what is completely unnerving about this video is what they are pretending. One young boy kneels in front of three other children, in the same manner of the condemned man; Three other children stand behind him in the same way that the terrorists stood over the men prior to their beheading. The three standing children are armed with pretend weapons. One of the three children is a girl. The tallest of the three standing children pretends he is Zarqawi, and reads a list of demands. The film clip ends with the pretend beheading of the kneeling child.

Pics and vids at the link; also, vid of the korean beheading, if you’re feeling macabre enough to want to see it.
Posted by: Anonymous5089 2004-06-24